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HEMP HEMP HEMP! Prohibition Is Over!

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On December 10, 2018, the 2018 Farm Bill House/Senate Conference Committee released its Conference Report. You can either read the 807 Page report or read this short summary on what this means for Hemp, CBD, and the industry!

Hemp is now been removed from the Controlled Substance Act (CSA). This means the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) can no longer interfere with interstate commerce of Hemp and hemp products such as cannabidiol (CBD) hemp extracts, and other hemp derivatives.

So what does this mean for the industry?

Supplement Manufacturing Company, supplement manufacturing, starting a supplement business, JustNutra, Smoothie, Whey Protein Powder, Ketogenic, Contract Supplement Manufacturer, Vitamin Manufacturer, Supplement Manufacturer, Create a Supplement

For starters, hemp farmers can now get proper crop insurance. They can also access programs from the USDA for certifications and competitive grants.

This will accelerate the growth of the Hemp Industry to surpass the legal marijuana industry by 2022! The reality is you can use hemp to create so many different products. The applications include fibers, textiles, paper, construction and insulation materials, cosmetic products, animal feed, food, and beverages all may use hemp.

Now is the time to catch the wave and grow with the industry.

But what product should you create?

Here is the list of top 5 CBD Products surrounding the market.

CBD Vape Oil

Vaping CBD is one of the easiest methods available to consume this beneficial supplement. Smoking CBD oil is an effective method of delivery and preferred by many because the body absorbs it rather quickly. The effects are close to immediate, making it a good option for someone that is looking to relieve pain now, instead of waiting hours. The lungs offer a large surface area for absorption and absorbs the compound very quickly into the bloodstream.

CBD Tinctures

CBD Tinctures are growing in popularity and could last for many years when stored in a cool dark location. The long shelf like means you can make larger quantities at once and not have to worry about product going bad. More and more companies are using CBD tinctures to get a piece of the CBD market. Tinctures are produced by steeping CBD in a high-proof grain alcohol, then applying low heat for a significant span of time. Many companies will add a complementary ingredient such as orange oil to improve the taste of the tincture.

CBD Gummies

CBD Gummies are another popular CBD supplement you see out in the market. They are fun way to broaden your market and to create an easy way to consume CBD. Some consumers are afraid to “Vape” CBD because they do not know where to start. These consumers see CBD gummies as an easy route for administration and can take them without a big vape cloud surrounding them. With CBD Gummies, you can add coconut oil to aid to the body’s absorption process.

CBD Coffees

Coffee infusions are on the rise! Ride the boat before it sets sail without you. Now you can enjoy your daily coffee with amazing heathy properties of CBD! CBD Coffee is starting to become a trend in the CBD market. It is a revolutionary way to intake CBD. The CBD relieves the pain and anxiety while the coffee keeps you energized and focused for your day.

CBD Sugar

CBD Infused Sweeteners are a portable, discreet, and great tasting way to add CBD to your daily routine. You can use it in place of sugar, or in anything that needs a little sweetening. You can add CBD Sugar to coffee, recipes, and much more to get in a dosage of CBD. CBD Sweeteners are a Hot Spot for restaurants! Bring the trend to life now while market the market is still growing!

If you have any questions or are looking for more information, contact us! You can reach us here or on our social media platforms.

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Facebook: @Justnutra

Twitter: @Justnutra

Supplement Manufacturing Company, supplement manufacturing, starting a supplement business, JustNutra, Smoothie, Whey Protein Powder, Ketogenic, Contract Supplement Manufacturer, Vitamin Manufacturer, Supplement Manufacturer, Create a Supplement


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