JustNutra Supports ShelterBox.org

At JustNutra every year we like to choose a charity that is making a positive difference in the world. We believe helping others is the foundation for all humanity. For 2017 we pledge to donate 5% of our profits to ShelterBox.org My wife Lisa and I spent last Saturday at a Rotary Day with the United Nations. We learned about the work of an amazing company www.shelterbox.org that drops emergency shelter boxes to areas around the world that are victims of natural disasters. We are personally pledging two boxes this coming year.
A brief description of ShelterBox (Rebuilding Communities)
ShelterBox delivers the essentials people need to begin rebuilding their lives in the aftermath of a disaster. Each disaster is different, and so is every community. They don’t believe that one size fits all, so they make considered assessments to provide the exact support that gives people the hope and the power to transform their own lives. The aid they supply comes in the form of ShelterBoxes and ShelterKits. Their sturdy green ShelterBoxes contain family-sized tents specially designed to withstand the elements and provide people with temporary shelter until they are able to start the process of rebuilding a home. Their ShelterKits contain all of the essential tools people need to start repairing and rebuilding homes straight away.
Please visit their website to see more of their amazing work!