Modernization of DSHEA

What even is DSHEA?
If you don't know what "DSHEA" is, it is the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act that was put to action in 1994. This act was created while Bill Clinton was in presidency and states that the FDA will effectively regulate the Dietary Supplement Industry for Good Manufacturing Practices. Sounds great, but in reality this act wasn't as effective as we all hoped it to be.
After a mere quarter century, the FDA recognized that their are some "bad actors" out there in the industry that haven't always been doing the right thing. These "bad actors" were spiking products with unknown ingredients that may be harmful to the public, or not practicing GMP's as they should be.
The FDA Commissioner, Scott Gottlieb stated, “We know that most of players in this industry act responsibly, but there are opportunities for bad actors to exploit the halo created by quality work of legitimate manufacturers to instead distribute and sell dangerous products that put consumers at risk. As the popularity of supplements has grown, so have the number of entities marketing potentially dangerous products or making unproven or misleading claims about the health benefits they may deliver.”
To keep up with the ever-expanding supplement industry, the FDA realizes that they will need to create amendments to the current Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act. To do so, the FDA will be consulting with the public, and the Dietary Supplement Industry to better serve the common consumer.
Senator Dick Durbin stated “Under this new plan, consumers will be informed quicker when there’s a problem with a product, and FDA can enforce new strategies and take action against bad actors.”
Every one here at Justnutra is extremely excited to hear these remarks. We believe the supplement industry should be completely transparent and we welcome these new policies & actions.
To keep you all updated, we will continue posting on any updates we find from the FDA and the DSHEA.
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